Thank You for Attending the Open House
on March 30th!
Please see the video of the Master Plan vision below and the presentation and boards on the Events Recap
Click below to play the
Master Plan Vision Video

Click on the image below to launch the Indian Creek Station Interactive Model
Explore the station on your computer or smart device today! The Interactive Model will evolve and expand as the Master Plan takes shape – so be sure to visit for updates. Please note that you may be placed in a queue while users explore the Interactive Model. User sessions are limited to approximately 5 minutes per session.
Check Out Some Project Testimonials
About the Project
This project will create a community-driven plan to catalyze the transformation of MARTA’s Indian Creek Station into a walkable, vibrant, mixed-use, transit-centric community. The Indian Creek Station Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Master Plan is an opportunity to transform this end-of-line station into a transit-oriented community that connects people to opportunity, drives sustainable community development, and promotes regional prosperity.

Project Timeline

Existing Conditions
An assessment of existing conditions analysis was done to gain an initial understanding of the Indian Creek station site, surrounding context, and connections to adjacent communities. The following diagrams summarize the results of this analysis, providing a high-level overview of the site.
Building on Past Plans
A review of relevant plans and studies is a critical first step in developing an understanding of the station area and project site. Over the past decades, MARTA and its partners have completed several studies and visioning processes to reimagine the area surrounding Indian Creek station. These efforts have been supported by countywide and regional plans, providing the general policy framework and goals for the station area and its surroundings. The Indian Creek TOD Master Plan builds upon these past conversations and plans while also dovetailing with current planning processes.
Previous plans and studies include:
DeKalb 2050 Unified Plan (2022)
DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan 5-Year Update (2021)
Memorial Drive Revitalization Corridor Plan (2019)
DeKalb County Transit Master Plan (2019)
MARTA I-20 East TOD Community Plan (2019)
DeKalb County Housing Affordability Study (2018)
Indian Creek MARTA Station Master Active Living Plan (2013)
Kensington Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Plan (2012)
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The Project Team
Planning Lead
WSP USA Inc. is a leading planning, engineering, and professional services firm with a specialty practice in urban design and transit-oriented development (TOD) that creates vibrant, equitable, and sustainable communities. WSP’s Urban Design and Placemaking Practice conducts planning and visioning for TOD across the country. WSP has a legacy of working with MARTA having had the opportunity to create the current rail system and provide a range of consulting services over the past several decades, forming a special connection with MARTA and the Atlanta region.

Public Involvement
Hummingbird is a culturally competent consulting firm specializing in community engagement, strategy and data analytics, and systems-change training. They provide these services for A/E and Planning firms, private developers, federal agencies, and municipalities. Community is a concept Hummingbird embodies as a firm. They define community as embracing culture, history, and the goals of a defined geographic area to communicate with, impact, and evoke fellowship amongst differing perspectives.

Perez Planning + Design
Public Realm & Circulation
Perez Planning + Design, LLC (PP+D) is a research-based planning and design firm that lives at the intersection of people, space, and the built and natural environment. PP+D focuses on providing Parks and Recreation System Planning + Design, Active Transportation Planning + Design, Urban Design + Landscape Architecture consulting services.
Market & Phasing
BAE is an innovative, award-winning urban economics and real estate advisory consulting practice. Since 1986, they have completed over 2,100 assignments for clients across the US including public agencies, non-profit organizations, universities, and private developers. BAE’s work emphasizes the triple bottom line of economics, equity, and environment.

Kimley + Horn
Transportation & Parking Lead
Kimley-Horn is a full service, employee-owned consulting firm that provides a broad range of engineering, planning, and environmental services to both public and private sector clients. With two offices in the Atlanta region, they have worked on projects small and large, always making a critical impact.

Noell Consulting Group
Market Study
Noell Consulting Group focuses on helping their clients make marketunistic decisions — counsel that is market based, grounded in current reality and opportunistic. In their 20 years of experience, they have found this formula consistently delivers return on investment and enables our clients to remain strategically positioned in the market.

What is the reason for this plan, and what will be the result?This plan aims to meet the vision for the Indian Creek station area established in the DeKalb Unified Plan, the recent comprehensive land use and transportation plan for the unincorporated parts of the county. The Indian Creek station area is envisioned as a Town Center activity center, with a focus on walkable, transit-supportive redevelopment. As owner of the Indian Creek station and surrounding surface parking lots, MARTA has enlisted the services of the Atlanta office of WSP, an engineering and design services company, to develop a TOD master plan in coordination with MARTA, DeKalb County, and the community. MARTA is partnering with DeKalb County on this effort. At the end of the planning work, MARTA will apply to rezone the Indian Creek Station property to match the conceptual site plan from the Master Plan process. Once rezoning is approved, MARTA will plan to release a request for proposals (RFP) to attract developers to redevelop the Indian Creek Station site. The developer will use the conceptual site plan from this process, but they will have some flexibility to adjust, assuming they meet MARTA and the community’s goals.
What is Transit-Oriented Development, or TOD?Transit-Oriented Development, or TOD, means development that is vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, and genuinely integrated with transit that supports both local community development and regional economic development. TOD often includes a mix of uses including a variety of housing types, office, and retail within a five to 10-minute walk of a transit station. It is generally denser than the development surrounding it and is supported by high quality neighborhood amenities, such as parks, plazas, and other public spaces. Some of the benefits of TOD include: 1. Reduced household driving and thus lowered regional congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions 2. Walkable communities that accommodate more healthy and active lifestyles 3. Increased transit ridership and fare revenue 4. Potential for added value created through increased and/or sustained property values 5. Improved access to jobs and economic opportunity 6. Expanded mobility options that reduce dependence on the automobile 7. Lower combined housing and transportation expenses for households 8. Strengthened local economies 9. More efficient use of infrastructure and associated maintenance costs
What is Equitable TOD?Equitable TOD (ETOD) serves and centers the existing community and creates equal opportunities for people of all incomes, backgrounds, and abilities to enjoy the benefits of transit-oriented development, including increased affordability, access to jobs and opportunity, and more healthy and sustainable neighborhoods. This typically includes the provision of affordable housing, improved pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, accessible community services, and public spaces tailored to the community’s needs. The specifics of what Equitable TOD means at the Indian Creek station will come from the community through the planning process and conversations with stakeholders.
What is a TOD master plan?A TOD master plan is a community-driven and actionable plan that lays the foundation for securing TOD-supportive entitlements, directs public and private investment, sets the standard for evaluating development projects, and guides public policy to realize the station area vision. Components of a TOD master plan may include: 1. Preparation of a vision plan and conceptual site plan; 2. Identification of issues, opportunities, and constraints; 3. Development of circulation plans, transportation/transit access, and parking plans; 4. Development of design standards and/or streetscape design features; 5. Development of transit-supportive land use recommendations; and 6. Recommendations for implementation priorities, potential funding partnerships, and project phasing.
When will the Indian Creek MARTA Station TOD master plan be completed?The master plan is anticipated to be completed by Summer/Fall 2023.
What types of land uses are envisioned, and how will traffic volumes from a new mix of uses be accommodated with commuter parking?Recommended land uses will be informed by the planning process, market study, existing conditions, and input from the public and stakeholders. There will likely be a phased development approach including a mixture of residential (affordable and market-rate), commercial, and greenspace. Plans will include enough long-term and commuter parking, balanced with spaces for residential and retail uses. MARTA will take a new approach to parking, which could include shared parking agreements, parking garages, unbundled parking, and replacement parking based on utilization rates. Improved connectivity across transportation modes to and from the station will reduce the number of car trips needed.
Will there be buffers between adjacent residential neighborhoods?The site plan will meet all required zoning buffers and transitions of the new zoning district. Development will transition from more intense uses at the center to lower intensity uses at the edges following the activity center guidelines in the DeKalb Unified Plan.
What is the goal for greenspace?Greenspace is a vital aspect to equitable TOD, and the master plan can include parks, open space, tree canopy, and landscaping.
How are you considering public safety, lighting, crime and/or police presence at this stage? How much of that will be MARTA’s responsibility?MARTA has implemented Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), which is a proactive crime-fighting technique in which the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in fear of and incidents of crime and an improvement in quality of life. CPTED principles can reduce the opportunity for crime and should be implemented with social programs to tackle the root causes. Public safety also is considered through designing spaces with active uses and residences facing streets and public spaces, rather than blank walls and parking lots, and street lighting. MARTA and the developer will collectively define the joint approach to public safety and police presence.
How do I share feedback and engage on the master planning project?To share feedback and attend public engagement events, check out the website’s Interactive Map, Public Survey, and Events pages.
Contact Us
Please reach out if you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas for the
Indian Creek MARTA Station TOD Master Plan
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